McKenzie Gibson, Artist Ep. 15
McKenzie Gibson is an artist that works within the context of furniture design. Known primarily for her innovative use of mixed materials, much of McKenzie’s work re-examines purpose and function as it relates to constituent pieces, space, and interpretation. At home in an art gallery or residence, these bespoke pieces blur the line between art and design. If you want to learn more about McKenzie Gibson and her work visit her website at and follow her on Instagram @mckenziegibsonstudios
"When I get into a subject I research the heck out of it, I dive deep and put my heart and soul into knowing more about it."

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McKenzie Gibson, Artist Ep. 15
McKenzie Gibson is an artist that works within the context of furniture design. Known primarily for her innovative use of mixed materials, much of McKenzie’s work re-examines purpose and function as it relates to constituent pieces, space, and interpretation. At home in an art gallery or residence, these bespoke pieces blur the line between art and design. If you want to learn more about McKenzie Gibson and her work visit her website at and follow her on Instagram @mckenziegibsonstudios
"When I get into a subject I research the heck out of it, I dive deep and put my heart and soul into knowing more about it."

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