Leslie Sinclair, Segreto Finishes Ep. 19
Leslie Sinclair is the owner and founder of Segreto Finishes, a Houston based company dedicated to exceptional finishes in the world of architecture and interior design. Leslie is a mother, creator, business woman and has written several beautifully curated books on design. In this episode Leslie and Valerie talk about books that transformed the way they do business including Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Other Don't by Jim Collins, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek and Le "quart d'heure d'avance" de Moët & Chandon by Robert-Jean de Vogüé.
If you want to learn more about Leslie Sinclair and Segreto Finishes, visit their website at segretofinishes.com and follow them on Instagram @segretofinishes

Leslie Sinclair, Segreto Finishes Ep. 19
Leslie Sinclair is the owner and founder of Segreto Finishes, a Houston based company dedicated to exceptional finishes in the world of architecture and interior design. Leslie is a mother, creator, business woman and has written several beautifully curated books on design. In this episode Leslie and Valerie talk about books that transformed the way they do business including Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Other Don't by Jim Collins, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek and Le "quart d'heure d'avance" de Moët & Chandon by Robert-Jean de Vogüé.
If you want to learn more about Leslie Sinclair and Segreto Finishes, visit their website at segretofinishes.com and follow them on Instagram @segretofinishes
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